Trigger Read online

Page 8

  “Just some people who wanted to show off. It happens all the time here, I think it’s the bike.”

  His explanation, while borderline plausible, I still doubted. It was true that I had seen some wild driving in Italy, but this had gone just a little too far. From the tense way he held himself, I knew that he would not be offering any further explanation. Not knowing what to say or think, I simply held on as he gunned the engine before peeling out.

  Back on the road, we continued on at a reasonable speed for several miles before Chase pulled over at another turnout that cut back into the hillside. He parked the bike well away from the street so passing drivers couldn’t see it. Chase turned off the engine and removed his helmet. I took off my own helmet and swung my leg over the back of the bike.

  “Are we going to play chicken with some cars now or something?” I was sarcastic.

  “No.” He pulled a backpack out of a storage compartment on the bike, slinging it over his shoulder as he headed for the guardrail. “Follow me.”

  “Wait a second, what is happening here?”

  Chase stopped walking and turned back to me. “Come on, trust me. There’s something I want to show you.” He gave me a lopsided grin.

  “What could be more surprising than an unexpected drag race?” I was flippant.

  “I told you, that wasn’t a big deal. It’s common for people to show off here.” He turned to the guardrail and without a backward glance hopped nimbly into oblivion.

  He was pretty convincing, but I was still bothered by the whole situation. I didn’t have many options at this point other than to follow him or sit by the bike and sulk, so I headed after him.

  When I reached the edge, I could see he was following a steep path that was almost imperceptible from above. Taking a deep breath, I climbed over the railing to follow him. The trail went down for a bit and then leveled out until it was running parallel to the highway that was about fifty feet above it.

  We walked along in silence as the path wound away from the road to a relatively flat area overlooking the ocean. The meadow boasted a single small tree which provided a decent amount of shade from the blazing Italian sun.

  Under the tree, he started to remove items from the pack. The view up and down the coastline was incredible. Chase spread a blanket on the ground and gestured for me to have a seat. From the pack he produced a bottle of red wine, two glasses, a wine opener and several wrapped packages. One by one, he placed them on the blanket and then took a seat himself.

  “We’re having a picnic?”

  “Yes we are,” Chase replied as he opened the wine.

  I smiled, excited that he had gone to such an effort for me.

  The packages contained a loaf of bread, an assortment of meats, cheese and some fruits. He arranged it all artfully before pouring the wine. There was even some chocolate for dessert.

  “How did you even find that goat trail, let alone this place?” I said as I nibbled on some fruit.

  “I was driving through the area on my motorcycle a few years back and happened to stop where we’re parked. I’ve always been a bit of an explorer so I found this place accidentally.”

  “Everyone you bring here must love it,” I said.

  “I don’t bring anyone here,” he said, looking off into the distance.

  “Why not? This place is incredible!”

  “Most people wouldn’t appreciate it for what it is. I knew you would, though.”


  “You tell me.”

  I didn’t think; I just answered. “It is rare to find a place like this. A place that…resonates with you.”

  “You see it the way I do, most people wouldn’t. I don’t bring anyone here because the more people who know about it, the sooner it’ll be overrun and lost to me.”

  We sat quietly in understanding. I finished my first glass of wine and Chase reached over and refilled it. My earlier confusion and annoyance over the pseudo car chase was ebbing as I sipped the wine and let myself relax. Meanwhile, Chase was using a wicked-looking knife to carve off pieces of bread and cheese for the two of us.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off the shiny curved blade with its serrated edge. It wasn’t an average-looking pocket knife. Chase saw my interest and offered it to me handle first. I gingerly took the heavy knife from him. It felt good in my hand. I made a few experimental slicing moves as he watched me with that measuring look on his face.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “It’s rather nasty looking. Is it weird if I think it feels nice to hold it?” I looked at him questioningly.

  “No, it’s a very well-made knife.”

  “Why don’t all knives feel like this? A difference in quality?”

  “Yes, some are just cheap, but a lot of research and design went into this knife.”

  “This looks like something a Navy Seal would carry,” I said offhand.

  There was a pause before he answered, “It is the type of knife carried by several different Special Forces units.”

  This exchange brought me back to my earlier thought that maybe he was, or had been, a member of some elite military group that he couldn’t talk about openly.

  “Was this a gift?”


  “So are you a member of a Special Forces unit?”

  “I’m not a member of any military group.”

  Even though his answer had the ring of truth to it, I got the impression it wasn’t the complete truth. “That wasn’t very convincing.”

  He shrugged as if it should be answer enough.

  “You are really starting to wear me out, Captain Ambiguity.” I was exasperated.

  Chase looked frustrated, and I wasn’t sure if it was because of my question or the answer he didn’t want, or wasn’t able, to give.

  “Never mind,” I practically spat at him.

  “You don’t understand,” his voice sounded tight. He looked like he wanted to say something but couldn’t get it out. Finally he said, “Look, things are really complicated. I know how incredibly lame that sounds, but it’s really true.”

  “Whatever. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is a big deal; I don’t want to lie to you.”

  I wanted to know what was going on in his head but I was tired of having to pry even the littlest things out of him. I needed to let him figure it out, or if he couldn’t, I might need to just move on.

  I could see an internal struggle continue to rage in his eyes but he didn’t say anything else. I knew that we would have to address what was unsaid between us eventually, but for now I let it go. Chase packed up the leftovers from the picnic and stuffed them in the pack.

  “I am sure Anna will be looking for you.” He was detached and robotic again.

  We walked in silence back to the motorcycle. The ride back went quickly and without incident. To my astonishment, he drove straight to the back entrance of my hotel.

  “How did you know this is where I am staying?” I asked, removing my helmet and getting off the bike.

  “Small town,” he said.

  I didn’t believe him, but I had bigger concerns at the moment. “Have you decided if you are going to the party later?”

  “I will probably make an appearance.”

  “Sure,” I said with an eye roll. I was tired of trying to figure him out.

  I nonchalantly handed him the helmet, spun on my heels and walked into the hotel. Behind me he revved the engine and then peeled out.

  I did not look back.


  ANNA WAS LOOKING much better when I entered the room. She had spent most of the morning reading in bed and declared she was starving, so we went out to get a pizza. I filled her in on the events with Chase as we ate pizza Margherita at a small trattoria.

  By the time my story was finished, the pizza was gone. After considering everything for a few minutes, she agreed that there was definitely something strange going on. She also said that while she firmly believed he was very
interested in me, if he couldn’t get his act together, it was his loss. Although I felt validated, it didn’t help solve anything.

  We spent the rest of the day lounging near the beach before returning to the room and taking turns in the shower. I was excited and nervous as I got dressed. What would the evening bring? I didn’t know and my stomach was doing somersaults over the possibilities.

  Anna looked cute in her black top and slim-fitting flowered skirt. I gave myself a critical once-over as I raked my fingers through my hair. I had found the bright blue v-neck top in Rome. It was simple but pretty and helped dress up my black shorts. I added silver hoops and a thick, flat, silver band necklace that nestled at the base of my throat. Altogether I didn’t look half bad, I decided.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  “I’ve got the key, let’s go,” Anna replied, and we headed out.

  It was just past twilight as I followed her down the sloping street toward the beach. It was impossible not to hear the throbbing beat of the club music and the buzz of people talking that got incrementally louder the closer we got to the ocean. Anticipation and anxiety coiled in my gut.

  As the beach came into view, I was amazed at the number of people that were there. It seemed like the entire five villages had converged in the square. There was a stage set up on the left-hand side of the boardwalk. There were three bars set up; one by the beach and two opposite the stage. There were tables and chairs surrounding the walkway, and the dance floor made up the middle. This arrangement allowed the dance floor to spill out onto the beach where a number of people were already getting their groove on.

  “Now this is what I call a party! You want a drink?” Anna asked. She was definitely feeling better.

  I followed her over to the nearest bar which was being manned by Enzo, the handsome bartender from last night. Anna smiled when he noticed her. She ordered a couple of drinks and handed one to me. My body started pulsating with the beat of the electronic dance music as I led us to a tall table where we could survey the entire scene easily.

  Sipping my drink, my eyes skimmed across the crowd. The disappointment I felt when I didn’t see Chase was undeniable. After the initial sweep, I scanned back across the throng of people and was about to accept defeat when I saw him.

  Chase was by the tunnel that connected the two sections of the town. He was leaning casually against the railing that separated the road from the drop to the beach. The short-sleeved black button-down shirt he wore was made of a lightweight material and flapped a little in the breeze. He looked freshly showered and very striking. He was looking directly at me. Shifting my gaze away, I stood stiffly staring at the ocean.

  Noticing my reaction, Anna asked in a casual tone, “Where is he?” Her eyes never left the dance floor.

  “On the right, up by the tunnel.”

  “Are you going to go talk to him?” She was swaying to the music as she watched the gyrating mass of bodies on the dance floor.

  “No. He can come talk to me if he wants to.”

  I glanced back where he had been standing only to find he was gone.

  Anna’s smile was infectious. “You should focus on having fun. After all, here we are in the middle of Italy at some random party. Does it get any better than this?”

  Her enthusiastic mood was contagious, making it easier for me to momentarily shut Chase out of my head.

  Hours later, the party was in full swing and I was almost enjoying myself. Twice I had found myself looking for him, but as soon as I realized what I was doing, I forced myself to focus on what was happening in front of me. The DJ made an announcement, causing the crowd to cheer and bodies to surge toward the beach. I guessed the fireworks were about to start so I let the flow of humanity carry me with it. I ended up near the sand right as the first bright flares started streaking across the velvety blackness of the night sky. Anna and I had gotten separated by the crush of people, but I soon spotted her not too far away. Francesco had just walked up to her, so I stayed where I was.

  While everyone was looking up at the dazzling pyrotechnics, I happened to notice a man standing on the far side of the crowd who was staring directly at me. He was about my height and stoutly built with pale pockmarked skin. His black hair was pulled back into a shiny ponytail and his expression was anything but friendly. He had the tense stance of a predator, which made me uneasy.

  I kept him in my peripheral vision as I shifted slightly so I could see that Anna was still flirting with Francesco. Unfortunately, Marcello wasn’t anywhere to be seen. With the menacing stranger lurking, I would have welcomed his reassuring presence.

  Looking back at the pockmarked guy, I saw that he had moved so he was closer to me. Adrenaline trickled into my veins. Maybe he was just a common pervert or purse snatcher who gave off a bad vibe. I doubted it though.

  The man suddenly slipped out of my line of sight. My blood ran cold when he appeared a mere dozen feet away. Like his previous maneuver had done, he had cut the distance between us in half. If he did it again, he would end up right next to me. I knew that I could not let that happen.

  Every fiber in my body went on high alert when I lost sight of him again. Before I could react, someone spoke up behind me as a hand firmly grasped the waistband of my shorts, pulling me backward.

  “I think it would be a good idea if you stood closer to me.”

  Relief flooded through me the instant I heard that voice. Turning to face Chase, dozens of thoughts flashed across my mind, most notably that his hand was still in contact with the bare skin at my waist.

  Despite this development, I didn’t forget Pockmark Man who had now vanished entirely. This was the second time Chase’s presence had helped avert a potentially dangerous situation. I didn’t know if his impeccable timing made me want to hug him or smack him. I didn’t like being the damsel in distress, but there was no denying how nice it felt to have him standing next to me.

  Fireworks ripped across the sky and the pounding of the music matched the blood hammering in my ears. I was nervous that if I did anything it would make Chase leave, so I didn’t dare move. I barely dared breathe as I looked up at him.

  The expression on his face seemed to be thoughtful. Ever so slowly, he reached up and lightly brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek and along my jaw line. A shiver ran the length of my spine as the pulsating beat of the music reverberated through my body. The throng of dancing bodies gelled into a collage of colors and sounds that swirled around us.

  His expression suddenly softened as if one side of whatever internal debate that had been raging had finally won out. Something told me the argument had to do with me, and whatever he had decided was resolved now.

  Without a word he took my hand, weaving a determined path through the undulating bodies on the dance floor. He was walking quickly and I had to double-time it to keep up as my heart beat frantically to the tempo of the music.

  Across the plaza the crowd thinned, making it easier to navigate up the street. Beyond the clock tower, Chase turned down the first narrow alley we came to, pulling me with him. There were no lights in the narrow passage and, unlike most of the other streets, it was completely empty. He came to an abrupt halt halfway down the darkened corridor where we were completely obscured from anyone passing by on the main road.

  Facing me, he steadily pushed me backward until I was pressed up against the wall. The rough, cold stone pressing into my back barely registered in my already overloaded brain. With his hands resting on the wall over both of my shoulders, he leaned forward until he was inches from me. The air between us was electric as I fought to control my breathing, which sounded embarrassingly loud to my own ears.

  Time ground to a halt. There was nothing outside this moment. There was no one besides the two of us. The intensity of his gaze and his closeness made my blood boil and my skin tingle. My body practically vibrated with the torrent of feelings rushing through it.

  “You are the most captivating creature,” he murmured, his eyes hold
ing my own.

  Just when the sweet ache of anticipation was about to tilt into pain, he closed the scant distance between us, pressing his lips against my own. One hand dropped to my waist and the other moved to the back of my neck, pulling me tight against him. His lips had a gentle pressure at first that became more urgent as the kiss deepened.

  The touch sent shockwaves ripping through me, tipping me over into vertigo. My entire body was on fire and I didn’t care. I couldn’t breathe and I didn’t care. All I could think was that I didn’t want him to stop.

  After an eternity, his mouth moved to my jaw line and worked its way down to my neck. His ragged breathing now mirrored my own.

  Abruptly he pushed back with a frustrated hiss.

  “What? What’s the matter?” Confused, I fought to pull my jumbled thoughts together.

  “I can’t do this,” he growled.

  “What you are talking about?”

  “I’m sorry but I have to go. I’ll come find you tomorrow,” he said as if I hadn’t spoken.

  “Of course, you have to go! Perfect.” I was scathing. “Kiss me, mumble some random gibberish and then run away!”

  He ignored my rant. “I think you should find Anna and go back to your hotel. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are safe.”

  “Safe from what? What are you talking about now?” I was exasperated.

  Obviously distressed, he pressed his forehead to mine.

  “Tomorrow,” was all he would say.

  Before I could respond he disappeared into the darkness.

  Staring after him in disbelief I muttered aloud, “What the hell?”

  Bewildered, I searched for Anna, who was a little drunk by this time. It took some convincing, but I got her to agree to go back to the room. As we made our way to the hotel, I kept catching myself looking around. I wasn’t sure if I was looking for Chase or if I was looking for whatever danger he had mentioned, but I was uncomfortable until we were in our room.

  “Where did you disappear to?” Anna asked as she kicked off her shoes.

  “I sort of went for a walk.”